Friday, February 10, 2012

God works in the dish room.

The other day I was working in the dish room--The dreaded job where so much food is wasted--and since not many people seem to want to talk during work there is a lot of time to think about things. Naturally, my mind was wandering this way and that and I started worrying about things that I had to do and issues. Well I spontaneously had the urge to just right there, during work, pray in my mind. I began praying to God about well everything and anything. In my prayer I realized that when I decided to go on the Spring Break Missions Trip to Florida I did not say anything to God about it or ask what His will is. How messed up is that? I then realized God is the first person I should have gone to and I began praying about the trip and then just for His will. In the middle of my prayer I had the memory from Winter Break come back where my parents said "I wish you didn't have to come back here for break, you should go somewhere like Florida!" and it hit me. They could have said any place for Spring break, but they said Florida...the place that the school is taking a Missions trip to. Also I could have thought of anything, any memory then...but it was this memory mentioning Florida that came to mind in my prayer for God's will. Then I felt a tug at my heart and realized the Florida trip is where God wants me to go. It is hard to describe this feeling I got when I realized it, but it was a combinations of peace and excitement to actually know for sure something that God wanted me to do. God works in mysterious ways. The next time that someone tells me that God can't use them, I'll simply tell them that He can because God even works in the dish room.

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