There comes a time in ones life when they think an era has ended, but then there comes another time when one truly does end. The worst part is realizing that it's coming to a close and yet, as a good friend put it, it's like a plane is crashing and gravity is somehow preventing it from landing. You know that the inevitable crash is going to happen and then in the future things will begin to unwind, but it's this constant falling that has created so much tension. It's like that time in life where you know you need to do something and you feel like it's the right thing to do...but you just do not know if it's truly best for you or how to go about it. There are times, such as now, where I just wish that the crash could happen and be done with. Times where I wish Oceanic Flight 815 would just crash, because I know it's going to crash and land on an Island where something good will eventually arise from the wreckage...but when will that time come? If I take the initiative and make the plane crash wouldn't that be worse than letting the plane crash on its own time? But maybe the plane will never crash if I don't make it. Just as Oceanic Flight 815 crashed because of Jacob and Desmond not pushing "The Button." Should I let it go and crash already? My fall semester and J-term have come to an end, so shall I allow that to become the end of this era? I thought before was the end of an era, but now so much more is changing. The dynamics of everything and the plans that were created are just minutes away from ending. What should I do? As the great poet Shakespeare once said, "To be or not to be, that is the Question." I just do not know what I should do about this never crashing plane. Curse gravity and it's want to keep this in the air.
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