Monday, May 13, 2013

Suspense of the yellow umbrella

The mother has finally been revealed. After 8 long, wonderful, adventurous, and funny seasons we have finally seen the mother. What is her name? We do not know or care at this point. The point is we have finally seen it; the moment we had been waiting for since we first heard Future Ted begin his long story to his two very patient children. I gasped, others exclaimed shouts of joy, some did not react, and yet others just sat there and took it all in. The long anticipated moment had happened before our eyes and in a moment it was over filling us with suspense for this falls final season.

As I sit here and contemplate the finale and read the many blog articles and tweets about this mysterious woman I cannot help but compare this finale to life. Life is all about moments like this; ending the suspense only to usher in more. Often times there will be that one thing that we are dying to know and the anticipation will build until finally it will reveal itself to us with even more questions. Why someone new? Who are they? What's her story? And often time these answers cannot be found by some simple google search or twitter follower. We journey through life with these questions and suspense and stumble upon our answers. 

I have many unknowns awaiting me in both this summer break and in the upcoming fall semester. There is a constant suspense building inside of my chest awaiting for it's answers to be revealed. I pray and hope that this answer comes with clarity and will help me to journey into the cliffhanging unknowing that scares us all. There are so many unknowns I am facing, so many umbrellas to find. Some umbrellas are uncertainties of this summer at youthworks, some umbrellas are concerning unresolved situations with friends, and naturally one umbrella is my own yellow one. One day I will find my yellow umbrella and I will know that was the one I chose. 

So here's to the adventures into the unknown. The search for the perfect yellow umbrella. The beauty of symbolism. And of course here's to the journey of it all.

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