Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Season 2 Finale

Well here we are, at the end of another season. It's been a long year filled with stories and memories, but it is coming to a close. I depart tomorrow and I have so many thoughts because I do not want to leave. This campus is my current home and those I love dearest are here, as great as this summer will be I will miss them. As one of my dear friends has said, this season I have joined their little sitcom of life, but in many ways I have been on my second season of my own sitcom that is now tied into theirs. Much like the end of every sitcoms seasons life is very sentimental and one shocking thing from the Next is being played out. 

This year I had found someone who I thought was the love of my life and lost her. I had gone on a faraway adventure to another country and reaffirmed my passion to travel the world. I had preached Easter mornings sunrise service. I had learned one of my close friends is gay. I have changed many of my views on certain matters. I have hung out with my roommates close friends and had become a part of their group. I had done many firsts. I had lived out adventures that I have always wanted to do in college: from late night adventures in creeks to 4am discussions with an ex to Tim Hortans late night study sessions to cuddle fests that lead to some of the most awkward, yet funny situations. I had developed a "cuddle buddy" turned really good friend turned I don't even know now. I had gotten involved as a youth leader. I had helped my grandparents move in nearby and gotten to introduce some of my friends to them. And I had gotten assigned to work in St. Louis with teens doing missions. 

This season has been everything that I could ask for and more. I have grown in so many ways and experienced so many potential stories to tell my kids one day. I have had a great and confusing finals week, but that's what I love about this last week: it's so bittersweet. People are getting things out in the open so that we start off the summer on good terms, crazy shenanigans are taking place, and we are also cramming our heads with information for each of our unique tests. As this season ends let God be our writer and guide us into a new season filled with many more stories to tell. Hears to the end of a season and the beginning of a new one.

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