Tonight is a night of feeling "sureness." There is a beauty to this feeling that travels alongside feelings of being terrified. There is sureness and unknowing and there is avoidance and not ready in life and often times the unknowing can seem more safe. There is a time for everything as Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes, and tonight is a time for sureness in the good and the bad. Just as it is a sure fact that Kate Austin was meant to be with Jack Shepherd or that Jin and Sun would always find each other, the way I feel tonight is a feeling of sureness.
It can be terrifying because it involves thinking about the future in a brand new way, but I welcome this terrifying feeling because ultimately my feelings are stronger than the fear. Embrace the sureness. Embrace the unknowing. Let life take you where it leads, because God is with you; in the sureness and unknowing. I may have never felt so sure, but I can say that she is worth it; she is worth seeing what the future holds in store. We Will Always Find Each Other.
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