This week in the Advent season is the Peace Candle and so many things come to mind when I think of the word "peace."
What is peace?
I think of those who fight in the name of what they call "peace." I think of Jesus' words on the Sermon on the Mount about turning the other cheek, carrying a coat farther, and loving your enemies. I think of the phrase "a peace that passes understanding" which is often prayed for. I think of the hectic chaos of the holiday season and how many are desperately seeking peace. I think of refugees fleeing persecution looking for a place of peace. I think of how in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells His disciples to look for People of Peace. There are so many connotations that arise when I think of the word peace.
This morning, though, I reflect on a story I was told not too long ago. Just two weekends ago I had the privilege of visiting for the second time the Behalt Cyclorama in the Amish and Mennonite Heritage center in Berlin, OH. The purpose of this piece of artwork is to tell the history of the Amish, Mennonite, and the Hutterite peoples, also known as the Anabaptists. Both times that I visited this museum, I was struck with wonder at one of the stories they shared. That story is one that I think is so poignant for us to read during this week where we focus on the word "Peace" and that story is shown below:
In 1569 Dirk Willems was captured and imprisoned for being an Anabaptist. He was able to escape, however, and as he was fleeing a palace guard saw him and began to pursue him. Dirk was able to safely run across a section of thin ice, but as his pursuer chased him the ice broke and the guard fell through. Dirk heard the cries of the guard and turned back to rescue him. Upon his rescue the guard seized Dirk Willems and brought him back to a more secure prison until he was burned to death. Despite the consequences Dirk Willems knew that Jesus had called him to love his enemies and he could not leave this guard there to die even if it meant risking his own life.

How have we responded to the call for peace? The call to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us?
Grace & Peace.
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