Sometimes things in life happen and you have no idea why. Sometimes things can seem to be going so great and then it is all turned on its head without a good explanation. That's the way I have felt with my most recent breakup...the first one that I did not in one way or another initiate.
The thing about breakups and myself are that typically I end it and vow to never go back. I always have the view that if I felt a need to end it then why date again? But now I am put in the others shoes and I desperately want to break my rule of not going back. The worse part is when you have that mentality and the dumper decides to leave you on the hook with words such as "maybe one day..." To a broken hearted guy that phrase can keep him wanting to wait when it would have been much healthier to tell them you were no longer interested in dating period. Now there is this on going question of how long should one wait and if it is even worth that?
It's as if I am in an ongoing hope of something that may or may not ever happen. What is the proper response especially when it was 3 months ago that I was so certain I should pursue her? I know God pursues us no matter what, but as a human whose flawed there comes a time when I will need to give up on her. When is that? Only time will tell.
Remember to love no matter the risk, do crazy acts of love and kindness, and never be afraid to live. We were made to live and love in abundance.
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