The answers I received at the Farmer's Market varied, but I wanted to share a few:
What does "Healthy Food" mean to YOU?
- It got me to 74 years old
- Guilt Free
- Veggies and Fruits
- Food that gives you the vitamins and minerals you need
- Long Life
- What nourishes our bodies
- Healthy life
- My way of life
These are all great answers. I would now like to share 5 "healthy food" tips from my own life.
- Know it or Grow it: I know that you can get the same nutrients in your fruits and veggies if you buy them canned or frozen, but I'm a personal fan of enjoying locally grown fruits and vegetables. I enjoy purchasing them from the farmers market where I can get to know the growers and ask them questions. I also enjoy growing my own produce where I can know exactly how it was taken care of because I'm the one growing it. I have also found both these methods to be budget-friendly ways to get my 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day!
- Avoid processed foods: The more processed the food, the less healthy it is. Look for foods that have minimal ingredients in them.
- Make it yourself: I have found that 9/10 times that I cook a meal from scratch it is going to be healthier than if I bought it pre-made. It is also going to be more affordable.
- Choose Whole Ingredients: When deciding what foods to buy choose whole ingredients more often than not. By this I mean, whole grains, whole apples, whole carrots, etc. The less processed and prepared the better.
- Choose a plant-based diet (mostly): While I know that not everyone needs to become vegan or vegetarian (however, I would strongly encourage it!), it is good for your health and the environment to choose a diet that is mostly plants. Michael Pollan says it well when he says, "Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Most, if not all, of the nutrients we need we can get from plants. It is also more sustainable for our planet to eat mostly plants. Whole Food, Plant Based eating is the way to go, even if you still occasionally eat meat. If you don't believe me check out the Double Pyramid put out by the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (

I hope these insights help you in your journey to a healthier life. If you ever have questions feel free to comment below and I'll respond to the best of my ability and knowledge.
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