Saturday, November 19, 2011

It all starts with the question: Why?

As I sat here in my dorm room and contemplated what to do at such a late hour of the morning it occurred to me that I had started up a blog, but never took the time to write on it yet. I believe the most obvious topic to start with is why? Why this blog? Why do we ask that question so often though? Why should it matter my reason for wanting to start a blog. So often we are too focused on the question why, when we need to be more focused on the questions how and whatHow can we make a difference in this world and What can we do to initiate that. How can I learn from this blog or What can I get out of reading this blog; Enjoyment? Freedom from the dreaded word known as boredom? To attain knowledge? We need to question why and how in everything that we do, because if we do not we can fall into the trap of just blindly accepting things. That may not seem like a trap to some, but to truly grow in life--whether through our "spiritual" life or "regular life" (As if labels and categories should really be necessary, but that's an entirely different topic.)-- we need to question the mundane, the extremes, and everything in between.  As one who is striving to be in relationship with our creator, God, I believe we need to all remember that in a relationship you cannot just blindly accept, but you need to question why and how can I... It is having the faith to question our beliefs that makes all the difference. I encourage the readers to take these words with a grain of salt and with your "crap detector" on, for these are simply the thoughts from one who was made from the Dust, a son of Adam, a Fallen Man.

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