As it has been almost an entire year since I last posted I wanted to share two words that have been bubbling around my mind in the past few weeks. There are a lot of exciting changes that are in the process of happening in my household and as I prepare for them it has caused me to reflect on where I came from and how far I have come.
I am a huge advocate for social change. I believe in helping individuals change while simultaneously working to create collective change. I also love to see my progress. I like to see tangible ways that change is happening. I like to see results and I like to see them ASAP.
Change, I am finding, is a lot like growth. It happens steadily, slowly, overtime and can't be forced or rushed. My garden has been a huge reminder of why change is like growth.
Around this time last year we were creating the raised beds at our house and planting our garden. As someone who loves the harvest season I was anxiously awaiting that fruitful day. Last year we had a nice harvest, but it never felt like completely enough. I wanted more. I was impatient.
This year, however, I was overjoyed to see the wait was worth it. Where last year we had zero berries this year we have already harvested around 50 strawberries and we are about to have some blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries! It took them a while to grow, but now that the wait is over it was so worth it.
Last year it felt like we would never have any berries. This year we're constantly going out and picking more. Change is like that too. Don't be discouraged when things don't fall right in your lap. Don't expect everything to work out perfectly when you first try it. Instead take time, enjoy the smells around you, be in the present, and work towards that change. If you don't see results right away take time to just enjoy the process.
Sit down, grab a nice cup of coffee or dandy blend and enjoy the journey.
Most good things take time.
Grace & Peace, Tanner